King Snake Louisiana Types – A Comprehensive Guide

An article about the Species of Kingsnakes in Louisiana. Explore the different types of kingsnakes found in Louisiana, including their habitats and identifying features. Delve into the specifics of these species, such as their diet, life cycle, and behavior. Additionally, provide information on how to identify king snakes from other species native to Louisiana, tips for keeping them as pets, and any other relevant information about king snake conservation in the state.

Introduction to King Snake Louisiana Types

Louisiana is home to a variety of species of kingsnakes, which are some of the most interesting and beautiful snakes in North America. These snakes inhabit a wide range of habitats throughout the state, from swamps and rivers to forests and grasslands. In this article, we will explore the different types of kingsnakes found in Louisiana, their identifying features, diet and behavior as well as tips for keeping them as pets. We will also take a look at king snake conservation efforts in the area so that these important creatures can remain part of Louisiana’s diverse wildlife for years to come.

Prairie kingsnake

Scientific name: Lampropeltis calligaster
Prairie kingsnakes, scientifically known as Lampropeltis calligaster, are a species of king snake native to Louisiana. They are also sometimes referred to as yellow-bellied kingsnakes due to their characteristic belly coloration. These snakes are typically found in grasslands, woodlands and scrub areas throughout the state.
background, nature, summer

Identifying Characteristics of Prairie kingsnake

Prairie kingsnakes are typically a light yellow to creamy tan in color, with a distinct black, white or gray checkered pattern running down their backs and tails. They range from 24-40 inches in length and have a relatively thin body. The underside of these snakes is usually yellowish-white or light gray. They have small, rounded eyes and a pointed snout.

Identifying Characteristics of Prairie kingsnake

background, nature, summer
Prairie kingsnakes are typically a light yellow to creamy tan in color, with a distinct black, white or gray checkered pattern running down their backs and tails. They range from 24-40 inches in length and have a relatively thin body. The underside of these snakes is usually yellowish-white or light gray. They have small, rounded eyes and a pointed snout.

Diet of Prairie kingsnakes

Prairie kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that prefer to hunt small mammals such as mice, rats, moles and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.
Harmless snake

Diet of Prairie kingsnakes

Harmless snake
Prairie kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that prefer to hunt small mammals such as mice, rats, moles and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.
Just when I thought the snakes were gone for the winter I come across this Bull Snake soaking up the warmth of the sun at Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge in Jet, Oklahoma 2017

Life Cycle of Prairie kingsnakes

Prairie kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of five to 10 eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or in rotten logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 12-15 years in captivity.

Life Cycle of Prairie kingsnakes

Just when I thought the snakes were gone for the winter I come across this Bull Snake soaking up the warmth of the sun at Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge in Jet, Oklahoma 2017
Prairie kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of five to 10 eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or in rotten logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 12-15 years in captivity.

Behavior of Prairie kingsnakes

Prairie kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.
This picture was taken during the day. Lens used 100/400mm canon.

Behavior of Prairie kingsnakes

This picture was taken during the day. Lens used 100/400mm canon.
Prairie kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.
A common and harmless gopher snake from central Kansas.

Keeping Prairie Kingsnakes as Pets

Prairie kingsnakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.

Keeping Prairie Kingsnakes as Pets

A common and harmless gopher snake from central Kansas.
Prairie kingsnakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.

Range Map of Prairie Kingsnakes

Prairie kingsnakes are found throughout the state of Louisiana, ranging from the Gulf Coast to the mountains in the northern part of the state. They inhabit grasslands, woodlands, and scrub areas from sea level up to 5000 feet above sea level. These snakes can be found from the coastal wetlands of southern Louisiana to the Ouachita Mountains in central and northern Louisiana. The range of Prairie Kingsnakes extends into Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
moldavian meadow viper on sand ( Vipera ursinii moldavica ); this is one of the rarest snakes in Europe, listed as criticaly endangered on IUCN red list
Prairie Kingsnakes_range-map

Range Map of Prairie Kingsnakes

moldavian meadow viper on sand ( Vipera ursinii moldavica ); this is one of the rarest snakes in Europe, listed as criticaly endangered on IUCN red list
Prairie kingsnakes are found throughout the state of Louisiana, ranging from the Gulf Coast to the mountains in the northern part of the state. They inhabit grasslands, woodlands, and scrub areas from sea level up to 5000 feet above sea level. These snakes can be found from the coastal wetlands of southern Louisiana to the Ouachita Mountains in central and northern Louisiana. The range of Prairie Kingsnakes extends into Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Prairie Kingsnakes_range-map

Speckled kingsnake

Prairie kingsnakes are found throughout the state of Louisiana, ranging from the Gulf Coast to the mountains in the northern part of the state. They inhabit grasslands, woodlands, and scrub areas from sea level up to 5000 feet above sea level. These snakes can be found from the coastal wetlands of southern Louisiana to the Ouachita Mountains in central and northern Louisiana. The range of Prairie Kingsnakes extends into Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Identifying Characteristics of Speckled Kingsnake

Speckled kingsnakes are typically a grayish-brown or black color with yellow, orange or red spots covering their entire body. They have small, rounded eyes and a pointed snout. The underside of these snakes is usually yellow or cream colored with gray or black spots.

Identifying Characteristics of Speckled Kingsnake

Speckled kingsnakes are typically a grayish-brown or black color with yellow, orange or red spots covering their entire body. They have small, rounded eyes and a pointed snout. The underside of these snakes is usually yellow or cream colored with gray or black spots.

Diet of Speckled kingsnakes

Speckled kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that primarily consume small mammals such as mice, rats, moles and voles. They may also feed on other snakes and lizards for sustenance.
Holbruka speckled king snake eats the white mouse

Diet of Speckled kingsnakes

Holbruka speckled king snake eats the white mouse
Speckled kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that primarily consume small mammals such as mice, rats, moles and voles. They may also feed on other snakes and lizards for sustenance.
short tailed snake - Lampropeltis extenuata is a small harmless colubrid snake. Fossorial and seldom seen found only in sandy, upland parts of Florida

Life Cycle of Speckled kingsnakes

Speckled kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of five to 10 eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or in rotten logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 12-15 years in captivity.

Life Cycle of Speckled kingsnakes

short tailed snake - Lampropeltis extenuata is a small harmless colubrid snake. Fossorial and seldom seen found only in sandy, upland parts of Florida
Speckled kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of five to 10 eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or in rotten logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 12-15 years in captivity.

Behavior of Speckled kingsnakes

Speckled kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.
Malagasy giant hognose snake (Leioheterodon madagascariensis)

Behavior of Speckled kingsnakes

Malagasy giant hognose snake (Leioheterodon madagascariensis)
Speckled kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.
Australian endangered Broad headed Snake

Keeping Speckled Kingsnakes as Pets

Speckled kingsnakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.

Keeping Speckled Kingsnakes as Pets

Australian endangered Broad headed Snake
Speckled kingsnakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.

Range Map of Speckled Kingsnake

The range of the Speckled Kingsnake extends throughout Louisiana, with sightings ranging from East Texas to Mississippi. They are primarily found in forests or woodlands and sometimes open grasslands.
A baby Northern Pacific Rattlesnake sunning on a rock
Speckled kingsnakes range map

Range Map of Speckled Kingsnake

A baby Northern Pacific Rattlesnake sunning on a rock
The range of the Speckled Kingsnake extends throughout Louisiana, with sightings ranging from East Texas to Mississippi. They are primarily found in forests or woodlands and sometimes open grasslands.
Speckled kingsnakes range map

Eastern black kingsnake

Scientific name: Lampropeltis nigra
The Eastern Black Kingsnake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis nigra, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are usually between 24-48 inches in length and have a robust body with a wide head. They have dark brown or black scales on their back with white or yellow bands along their sides, and a yellow or white underside.
Mexican black kingsnake coiled in zoo

Identifying Characteristics of Eastern Black Kingsnake

The eastern black kingsnake is usually dark brown or black in color with yellow or white bands along its sides. They have small, rounded eyes and a pointed snout.

Identifying Characteristics of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Mexican black kingsnake coiled in zoo
The eastern black kingsnake is usually dark brown or black in color with yellow or white bands along its sides. They have small, rounded eyes and a pointed snout.

Diet of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Eastern black kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that feed on small mammals such as mice, rats and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.
Mexican black king snake eating a mouse.

Diet of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Mexican black king snake eating a mouse.
Eastern black kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that feed on small mammals such as mice, rats and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.
the black snake is poisonous and its poison can kill a human.

Life Cycle of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Eastern black kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of four to 12 eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.

Life Cycle of Eastern Black Kingsnake

the black snake is poisonous and its poison can kill a human.
Eastern black kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of four to 12 eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.

Behavior of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Eastern black kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.
Herald Snake (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia), mildly venomous but harmless to humans

Behavior of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Herald Snake (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia), mildly venomous but harmless to humans
Eastern black kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.
Venomous snake black forest viper basking in the sun.

Keeping Eastern Black Kingsnakes as Pets

Eastern black kingsnake can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.

Keeping Eastern Black Kingsnakes as Pets

Venomous snake black forest viper basking in the sun.
Eastern black kingsnake can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.

Range Map of Eastern Black Kingsnake

The Eastern black kingsnake is found throughout Louisiana, with most of its range concentrated in the southeastern portion of the state. The map below shows its range within Louisiana.
Australian non-venomous Diamond Python
Range Map of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Range Map of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Australian non-venomous Diamond Python
The Eastern black kingsnake is found throughout Louisiana, with most of its range concentrated in the southeastern portion of the state. The map below shows its range within Louisiana.
Range Map of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Scarlet kingsnake

Scientific name: Lampropeltis elapsoides
The Scarlet Kingsnake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis elapsoides, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are usually between 18-24 inches in length and have a slender body with narrow head. They have bright scarlet or orange scales on their back with black stripes along their sides, and a white or yellow underside.
Identifying Characteristics of Scarlet Kingsnake: The scarlet kingsnake is usually bright orange or scarlet in color with black stripes along its sides. They have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.
A close up of a Scarlet Kingsnake in Florida.

Diet of Scarlet Kingsnake

Scarlet kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that feed on small mammals such as mice, rats and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.

Diet of Scarlet Kingsnake

A close up of a Scarlet Kingsnake in Florida.
Scarlet kingsnakes are carnivorous predators that feed on small mammals such as mice, rats and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.

Life Cycle of Scarlet Kingsnake

Scarlet kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
Arizona mountain kingsnake (Lampropeltis pyromelana)

Life Cycle of Scarlet Kingsnake

Arizona mountain kingsnake (Lampropeltis pyromelana)
Scarlet kingsnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
Cape Coral Snake (Aspidelaps lubricus) from Springbok, Northern Cape

Behavior of Scarlet Kingsnake

Scarlet kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Behavior of Scarlet Kingsnake

Cape Coral Snake (Aspidelaps lubricus) from Springbok, Northern Cape
Scarlet kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Keeping Scarlet Kingsnakes as Pets

Scarlet kingsnake can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
Sinaloan Milk Snake

Keeping Scarlet Kingsnakes as Pets

Sinaloan Milk Snake
Scarlet kingsnake can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
Spotted Harlequin Snake (Homoroselaps lacteus).

Range Map of Scarlet Kingsnake

The Scarlet Kingsnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.
Range Map of Scarlet Kingsnake

Range Map of Scarlet Kingsnake

Spotted Harlequin Snake (Homoroselaps lacteus).
The Scarlet Kingsnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.
Range Map of Scarlet Kingsnake

Louisiana Milk Snake

Scientific name: Lampropeltis triangulum amaura
The Louisiana Milk snake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis triangulum amaura, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are between 24-36 inches in length, with a slender body and narrow head. They have white scales on their back with red, black and yellow stripes along their sides, and a white or yellow underside.

Identifying Characteristics of Louisiana Milk snake

The Louisiana Milksnake is usually white in color with red, black and yellow stripes along its sides. They have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.
Louisiana milk snake on rock

Identifying Characteristics of Louisiana Milk snake

Louisiana milk snake on rock
The Louisiana Milksnake is usually white in color with red, black and yellow stripes along its sides. They have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.
picture of a false coral snake

Diet of Louisiana Milk snake

Louisiana milksnakes are carnivorous predators that feed on small mammals such as mice, rats and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.

Diet of Louisiana Milk snake

picture of a false coral snake
Louisiana milksnakes are carnivorous predators that feed on small mammals such as mice, rats and voles. They may also consume other snakes and lizards for sustenance.

Life Cycle of Louisiana Milk snake

Louisiana milksnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
picture of a false coral snake

Life Cycle of Louisiana Milk snake

picture of a false coral snake
Louisiana milksnakes typically breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
on a walk in balboa park - san diego, ca

Behavior fo Louisiana Milk snake

Louisiana milksnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Behavior fo Louisiana Milk snake

on a walk in balboa park - san diego, ca
Louisiana milksnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Keeping Louisiana Milksnakes as Pets

Louisiana milksnake can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
A close up of a Scarlet Snake coiled on the ground.

Keeping Louisiana Milksnakes as Pets

A close up of a Scarlet Snake coiled on the ground.
Louisiana milksnake can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
A close up of a Scarlet Kingsnake in Florida.

Range Map of Louisiana Milk snake

The Louisiana Milksnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.
Range Map of Louisiana Milk snake

Range Map of Louisiana Milk snake

A close up of a Scarlet Kingsnake in Florida.
The Louisiana Milksnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.
Range Map of Louisiana Milk snake

M​ole Kingsnake

Scientific name: Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata
The Mole Kingsnake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes have relatively small bodies and can grow up to 18-30 inches in length, with a slender appearance and narrow head. Their upper body is typically black with yellow, red and orange spots while their underside is usually white or yellow.

Identifying Characteristics of Mole Kingsnake

The Mole Kingsnake has a black body with yellow, orange, and red spots on its back. These snakes have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.
Caspian whipsnake (Dolichophis caspius)

Identifying Characteristics of Mole Kingsnake

Caspian whipsnake (Dolichophis caspius)
The Mole Kingsnake has a black body with yellow, orange, and red spots on its back. These snakes have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.
Viper on a tree resting.

Diet of Mole Kingsnakes

These snakes feed on small mammals such as mice, voles, and shrews. They may also consume other snakes and lizards.

Diet of Mole Kingsnakes

Viper on a tree resting.
These snakes feed on small mammals such as mice, voles, and shrews. They may also consume other snakes and lizards.

Life Cycle of Mole Kingsnakes

Mole kingsnakes breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
Dice snake close up

Life Cycle of Mole Kingsnakes

Dice snake close up
Mole kingsnakes breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
on Dung Heap

Behavior of Mole Kingsnakes

Mole kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Behavior of Mole Kingsnakes

on Dung Heap
Mole kingsnakes are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Keeping Mole Kingsnakes as Pets

These snakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
Australian highly venomous Eastern Brown Snake

Keeping Mole Kingsnakes as Pets

Australian highly venomous Eastern Brown Snake
These snakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
snake this

Range Map of Mole Kingsnakes

The Mole Kingsnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.

Range Map of Mole Kingsnakes

Range Map of Mole Kingsnakes

snake this

The Mole Kingsnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana. 

Range Map of Mole Kingsnakes

Western Milk Snake

Scientific name: Lampropeltis gentilis
The Western Milk Snake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis gentilis, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are characterized by their relatively small bodies and can grow up to 18-30 inches in length, with a slender appearance and narrow head. Their upper body is typically grey or light brown with black and white stripes, while their underside is usually yellow or orange.

Identifying Characteristics of Western Milk Snake

The Western Milk Snake has a grey or light brown body with black and white bands. These snakes have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.
An Eastern Milk Snake found in the wild.

Identifying Characteristics of Western Milk Snake

An Eastern Milk Snake found in the wild.
The Western Milk Snake has a grey or light brown body with black and white bands. These snakes have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.
A Northern Watersnake on a moss covered stone.

Diet of Western Milk Snakes

These snakes feed on small mammals such as mice, voles, and shrews. They may also consume other snakes, lizards, frogs, and insects.

Diet of Western Milk Snakes

A Northern Watersnake on a moss covered stone.
These snakes feed on small mammals such as mice, voles, and shrews. They may also consume other snakes, lizards, frogs, and insects.

Life Cycle of Western Milk Snakes

Western Milk Snakes breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
A close up of an Eastern Milk Snake.

Life Cycle of Western Milk Snakes

A close up of an Eastern Milk Snake.
Western Milk Snakes breed in the spring and lay clutches of two to eight eggs during the summer. These eggs are laid in underground burrows or rotting logs and take approximately two months to hatch. The juveniles reach sexual maturity at 1-2 years old and can live up to 15-20 years in captivity.
A Northern Watersnake on a moss covered stone.

Behavior of Western Milk Snakes

Western Milk Snakes are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are active during the night. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Behavior of Western Milk Snakes

A Northern Watersnake on a moss covered stone.
Western Milk Snakes are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are active during the night. They are non-venomous and rarely bite when threatened, but may release a foul smelling musk to ward off potential predators.

Keeping Western Milk Snakes as Pets

These snakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
"This is a horizontal image of a Sinolian Milk Snake in a man-made environment similar to its home. The distinctive tri-color of burnt orange,black and white scales makes it a popular pet and the fact that it's non-venomouse"

Keeping Western Milk Snakes as Pets

"This is a horizontal image of a Sinolian Milk Snake in a man-made environment similar to its home. The distinctive tri-color of burnt orange,black and white scales makes it a popular pet and the fact that it's non-venomouse"
These snakes can make interesting and rewarding pets for those willing to give them proper care. It is important to provide them with a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places. They should be kept in temperatures between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit and can be fed once or twice a week.
A mexican milk snake lays on a rock

Range Map of Western Milk Snake

The Western Milk Snake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.
Range Map of Western Milk Snake

Range Map of Western Milk Snake

A mexican milk snake lays on a rock
The Western Milk Snake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.
Range Map of Western Milk Snake

Conservation Efforts

Species of kingsnake, including the King Snake Louisiana, are not currently listed as threatened or endangered. However, due to environmental threats, they may become so in the future. It is important to practice conservation methods, such as reducing habitat destruction and limiting pesticide usage that may harm the King Snake Louisiana and other species. Additionally, it is recommended not to keep wild-caught kingsnakes, as they are more likely to carry parasites or diseases. Captive-bred snakes are the most ideal pets due to their overall health and longevity. Lastly, educating the public about the King Snake Louisiana is key to conserving their populations and ensuring their survival in the wild.


Species of king snakes, including the King Snake Louisiana, are important members of the local ecosystem and should be respected as such. Through proper conservation practices, we can ensure that the King Snake Louisiana and other species remain a part of our state’s natural environment for generations to come. With the right knowledge and care, you too can appreciate having one or more types of kingsnakes in your home by keeping them as pets. By understanding their habitat needs, diet preferences, and life cycle behaviours, and identifying characteristics with range maps included in this article, you will have all the information required to make an informed decision about whether or not these amazing creatures would fit into your home!

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Imagine you’re hiking a stunning trail in Utah, enjoying the breathtaking scenery, when suddenly, you spot a snake slithering across your path. For many, this can be a nerve-wracking experience. But with a little knowledge about snakes in Utah, these encounters can...

Discover Idaho Snakes’ 12 Amazing Slithering Secrets – A Complete Guide to Local Snakes

IntroductionIdaho Snakes isn't just the land of beautiful landscapes and outdoor adventures. Beneath its stunning scenery lies a world teeming with fascinating wildlife, including diverse and intriguing snake species. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, an outdoor...

Discover Ohio’s Garter Snakes and Their Habitats

Explore garter snake Ohio species, their habitats, behaviors, and ecological roles. Learn to identify and appreciate these reptiles. Garter Snake Ohio: Discover Their Habitats and Behaviors Garter snakes in Ohio have various characteristics and behaviors. These garter...

Rat Snake Tennessee: Essential Guide to Local Species

Introduction Rat snake Tennessee is a fascinating and vital part of Tennessee’s wildlife. These nonvenomous snakes play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. Understanding them helps us coexist peacefully and contributes to conservation efforts....

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