King Snake Louisiana Types – A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to King Snake Louisiana Types
Prairie kingsnake
Prairie kingsnakes, scientifically known as Lampropeltis calligaster, are a species of king snake native to Louisiana. They are also sometimes referred to as yellow-bellied kingsnakes due to their characteristic belly coloration. These snakes are typically found in grasslands, woodlands and scrub areas throughout the state.

Identifying Characteristics of Prairie kingsnake
Identifying Characteristics of Prairie kingsnake

Diet of Prairie kingsnakes

Diet of Prairie kingsnakes

Life Cycle of Prairie kingsnakes
Life Cycle of Prairie kingsnakes

Behavior of Prairie kingsnakes

Behavior of Prairie kingsnakes

Keeping Prairie Kingsnakes as Pets
Keeping Prairie Kingsnakes as Pets

Range Map of Prairie Kingsnakes

Range Map of Prairie Kingsnakes

Speckled kingsnake

Identifying Characteristics of Speckled Kingsnake
Identifying Characteristics of Speckled Kingsnake

Diet of Speckled kingsnakes

Diet of Speckled kingsnakes

Life Cycle of Speckled kingsnakes
Life Cycle of Speckled kingsnakes

Behavior of Speckled kingsnakes

Behavior of Speckled kingsnakes

Keeping Speckled Kingsnakes as Pets
Keeping Speckled Kingsnakes as Pets

Range Map of Speckled Kingsnake

Range Map of Speckled Kingsnake

Eastern black kingsnake
The Eastern Black Kingsnake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis nigra, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are usually between 24-48 inches in length and have a robust body with a wide head. They have dark brown or black scales on their back with white or yellow bands along their sides, and a yellow or white underside.

Identifying Characteristics of Eastern Black Kingsnake
Identifying Characteristics of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Diet of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Diet of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Life Cycle of Eastern Black Kingsnake
Life Cycle of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Behavior of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Behavior of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Keeping Eastern Black Kingsnakes as Pets
Keeping Eastern Black Kingsnakes as Pets

Range Map of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Range Map of Eastern Black Kingsnake

Scarlet kingsnake
The Scarlet Kingsnake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis elapsoides, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are usually between 18-24 inches in length and have a slender body with narrow head. They have bright scarlet or orange scales on their back with black stripes along their sides, and a white or yellow underside.
Identifying Characteristics of Scarlet Kingsnake: The scarlet kingsnake is usually bright orange or scarlet in color with black stripes along its sides. They have small, round eyes and a pointed snout.

Diet of Scarlet Kingsnake
Diet of Scarlet Kingsnake

Life Cycle of Scarlet Kingsnake

Life Cycle of Scarlet Kingsnake

Behavior of Scarlet Kingsnake
Behavior of Scarlet Kingsnake

Keeping Scarlet Kingsnakes as Pets

Keeping Scarlet Kingsnakes as Pets

Range Map of Scarlet Kingsnake

Range Map of Scarlet Kingsnake

Louisiana Milk Snake
The Louisiana Milk snake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis triangulum amaura, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are between 24-36 inches in length, with a slender body and narrow head. They have white scales on their back with red, black and yellow stripes along their sides, and a white or yellow underside.
Identifying Characteristics of Louisiana Milk snake

Identifying Characteristics of Louisiana Milk snake

Diet of Louisiana Milk snake
Diet of Louisiana Milk snake

Life Cycle of Louisiana Milk snake

Life Cycle of Louisiana Milk snake

Behavior fo Louisiana Milk snake
Behavior fo Louisiana Milk snake

Keeping Louisiana Milksnakes as Pets

Keeping Louisiana Milksnakes as Pets

Range Map of Louisiana Milk snake

Range Map of Louisiana Milk snake

Mole Kingsnake
The Mole Kingsnake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes have relatively small bodies and can grow up to 18-30 inches in length, with a slender appearance and narrow head. Their upper body is typically black with yellow, red and orange spots while their underside is usually white or yellow.
Identifying Characteristics of Mole Kingsnake

Identifying Characteristics of Mole Kingsnake

Diet of Mole Kingsnakes
Diet of Mole Kingsnakes

Life Cycle of Mole Kingsnakes

Life Cycle of Mole Kingsnakes

Behavior of Mole Kingsnakes
Behavior of Mole Kingsnakes

Keeping Mole Kingsnakes as Pets

Keeping Mole Kingsnakes as Pets

Range Map of Mole Kingsnakes
The Mole Kingsnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.

Range Map of Mole Kingsnakes

The Mole Kingsnake is primarily found throughout the southeastern region of Louisiana.

Western Milk Snake
The Western Milk Snake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis gentilis, is a species of king snake native to Louisiana. These snakes are characterized by their relatively small bodies and can grow up to 18-30 inches in length, with a slender appearance and narrow head. Their upper body is typically grey or light brown with black and white stripes, while their underside is usually yellow or orange.
Identifying Characteristics of Western Milk Snake

Identifying Characteristics of Western Milk Snake

Diet of Western Milk Snakes
Diet of Western Milk Snakes

Life Cycle of Western Milk Snakes

Life Cycle of Western Milk Snakes

Behavior of Western Milk Snakes
Behavior of Western Milk Snakes

Keeping Western Milk Snakes as Pets

Keeping Western Milk Snakes as Pets

Range Map of Western Milk Snake

Range Map of Western Milk Snake

Conservation Efforts
Species of kingsnake, including the King Snake Louisiana, are not currently listed as threatened or endangered. However, due to environmental threats, they may become so in the future. It is important to practice conservation methods, such as reducing habitat destruction and limiting pesticide usage that may harm the King Snake Louisiana and other species. Additionally, it is recommended not to keep wild-caught kingsnakes, as they are more likely to carry parasites or diseases. Captive-bred snakes are the most ideal pets due to their overall health and longevity. Lastly, educating the public about the King Snake Louisiana is key to conserving their populations and ensuring their survival in the wild.
Species of king snakes, including the King Snake Louisiana, are important members of the local ecosystem and should be respected as such. Through proper conservation practices, we can ensure that the King Snake Louisiana and other species remain a part of our state’s natural environment for generations to come. With the right knowledge and care, you too can appreciate having one or more types of kingsnakes in your home by keeping them as pets. By understanding their habitat needs, diet preferences, and life cycle behaviours, and identifying characteristics with range maps included in this article, you will have all the information required to make an informed decision about whether or not these amazing creatures would fit into your home!