Exploring the Different Types of Lizards Found in Kentucky

small tree lizard sunbathing
This is an article about the various lizards found in Kentucky. Learn about the different species and their habitats, behavioral patterns, diet, and other interesting facts. Explore how these lizards interact with humans, if they can be pets, and what measures should be taken to protect them from harm. Discover why they are important to the ecosystem of Kentucky and why they should be appreciated.

Lizards are often thought of as a low-maintenance pet when compared to other animals, but they can be quite fascinating creatures that play an important role in the environment.

small tree lizard sunbathing
This is an article about the various lizards found in Kentucky. Learn about the different species and their habitats, behavioral patterns, diet, and other interesting facts. Explore how these lizards interact with humans, if they can be pets, and what measures should be taken to protect them from harm. Discover why they are important to the ecosystem of Kentucky and why they should be appreciated.

Lizards are often thought of as a low-maintenance pet when compared to other animals, but they can be quite fascinating creatures that play an important role in the environment.

Different Types of lizards in Kentucky

In Kentucky, lizards are common and come from several different species. Here is a look at some of the most commonly found lizards in the state:

Eastern Fence Lizard

: This is a medium-sized lizard that loves to climb and hunt for insects. They are most commonly found in woodlands, orchards, gardens, parks, and other areas with trees and brush. These lizards are usually greyish brown or black with white or yellow markings on their backs. Eastern Fence Lizards are also quite tolerant of people, so they often become quite comfortable around humans.
An eastern fence lizard sun bathing on a rock in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Eastern Fence Lizard

An eastern fence lizard sun bathing on a rock in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
: This is a medium-sized lizard that loves to climb and hunt for insects. They are most commonly found in woodlands, orchards, gardens, parks, and other areas with trees and brush. These lizards are usually greyish brown or black with white or yellow markings on their backs. Eastern Fence Lizards are also quite tolerant of people, so they often become quite comfortable around humans.
A young blue tailed five lined skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) rests on stick in forest.

Five-Lined Skink

This is a medium to large lizard that can be found in both woodlands and urban environments. These lizards usually have five longitudinal stripes along their bodies, hence their name. They feed mostly on insects and other invertebrates, although they will take the occasional plant or fallen fruit.

Five-Lined Skink

A young blue tailed five lined skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) rests on stick in forest.
This is a medium to large lizard that can be found in both woodlands and urban environments. These lizards usually have five longitudinal stripes along their bodies, hence their name. They feed mostly on insects and other invertebrates, although they will take the occasional plant or fallen fruit.

Mountain Short-Horned Lizard

This is a small to medium sized lizard that can be found in rocky habitats such as hillsides and mountainside outcrops. They have a distinctive pattern of black spots along their backs and sides. Mountain short-horned lizards feed mainly on insects and spiders.
Horned lizard in the Arizona desert.

Mountain Short-Horned Lizard

Horned lizard in the Arizona desert.
This is a small to medium sized lizard that can be found in rocky habitats such as hillsides and mountainside outcrops. They have a distinctive pattern of black spots along their backs and sides. Mountain short-horned lizards feed mainly on insects and spiders.
Eumeces fasciatus

Broadhead Skink

This is a large skink species that can be found in the southern part of Kentucky. They are usually black or brown with yellow stripes along their sides and back, which can sometimes be mistaken for those of the Five-Lined Skink. Broadhead skinks hunt insects and other invertebrates, but are also known to eat small vertebrate prey.

All these lizards can make wonderful pets if properly cared for and managed. They require an enclosure with proper temperature, humidity, and lighting, as well as plenty of hiding spots and perches for basking. Lizards should be fed a variety of insects, such as crickets and mealworms, as well as a diet of fresh vegetables.

It’s important to remember that these lizards are wild animals and should be treated with respect. They should not be harassed or stressed, and handled only when necessary. Taking proper precautions can help keep them safe from potential predators and other dangers in the environment.

Broadhead Skink

Eumeces fasciatus
This is a large skink species that can be found in the southern part of Kentucky. They are usually black or brown with yellow stripes along their sides and back, which can sometimes be mistaken for those of the Five-Lined Skink. Broadhead skinks hunt insects and other invertebrates, but are also known to eat small vertebrate prey.

All these lizards can make wonderful pets if properly cared for and managed. They require an enclosure with proper temperature, humidity, and lighting, as well as plenty of hiding spots and perches for basking. Lizards should be fed a variety of insects, such as crickets and mealworms, as well as a diet of fresh vegetables.

It’s important to remember that these lizards are wild animals and should be treated with respect. They should not be harassed or stressed, and handled only when necessary. Taking proper precautions can help keep them safe from potential predators and other dangers in the environment.


In addition to their beauty and interesting behaviors, lizards play a key role in the ecosystems of Kentucky. They help to control insect populations, disperse seeds, pollinate flowers, and recycle vital nutrients back into the soil. For these reasons alone they should be appreciated and protected from harm as much as possible.  With proper care and management, these amazing lizards can be an enjoyable addition to any home.  So take the time to learn about and appreciate the wonderful variety of lizards found in Kentucky!

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