The 8 most common types of Woodpeckers in Georgia

Ever dreamt of spotting species of woodpeckers in Georgia? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog, we’ll explore the many types of woodpeckers here. From the Pileated Woodpecker to the Northern Flicker – discover the variety.

Plus, we’ll talk about conservation efforts and how you can help these majestic birds. These are considered the beautiful birds spotted in Georgia the state of Unites States.

Different Types of Woodpeckers in Georgia

1. Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)

Red-headed Woodpecker
  • Scientific Name: Melanerpes erythrocephalus
  • Lifespan:
  • Average: 9 years
  • Maximum Recorded: 12 years
  • Size: 7.5 to 9.1 inches (19 to 23 cm)
  • Weight: 2 to 3.2 ounces (56 to 91 g)
  • Wingspan: 14 to 17 inches (35 to 43 cm)
  • Status: Least Concern

Explanation: The Red-headed Woodpecker, scientifically known as Melanerpes erythrocephalus, boasts an average lifespan of 9 years, with a maximum recorded lifespan of 12 years.

This bird typically measures between 7.5 to 9.1 inches in size, weighing in at 2 to 3.2 ounces. Its wingspan ranges from 14 to 17 inches. They have black bback with white wing patches.

Remarkably, the species is classified as “Least Concern” in terms of conservation status.

Breeding typically occurs from April to July.

    The Red-headed Woodpecker is a common sight in Georgia. They have a red head and black body, and can live in open woodlands, forests, and even urban areas.

    These woodpeckers are known for unique feeding habits. They catch insects in mid-air or on the ground, and also eat fruits and nuts. Their favorite food also consists of small bird eggs.

    Unfortunately, their population has decreased due to habitat loss and competition from European Starlings. Conservation efforts are underway to protect them and ensure their survival.

    The Red-headed Woodpecker is a symbol of nature’s beauty and shows the importance of conservation. They are the perfect example of an animal that proves weightlifting and drumming can go hand in hand!

    Red-headed Woodpeckers Sound and Video

    Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) Range Map

    Red-headed Woodpecker range map edited

    2. Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus)

    • Scientific Name: Melanerpes carolinus
    • Lifespan:
    • Average: 9 years
    • Maximum Recorded: 12 years
    • Size: 9 to 10.6 inches (23 to 27 cm)
    • Weight: 2 to 3.2 ounces (56 to 91 g)
    • Wingspan: 13 to 16.5 inches (33 to 42 cm)
    • Status: Least Concern

    Explanation: The Red-bellied Woodpecker, identified by its scientific name Melanerpes carolinus, shares a similar average and maximum recorded lifespan of 9 and 12 years, respectively from other bird species.

    This species exhibits a size range of 9 to 10.6 inches and a weight of 2 to 3.2 ounces. The white wings with wingspan falls between 13 to 16.5 inches.

    Like its counterpart, the Red-bellied Woodpecker is categorized as “Least Concern” in terms of conservation status.

    Breeding season is from March to June.

    The Red-bellied Woodpecker is an exciting native of Georgia. This species can be seen in various habitats across the state. Here are the features that make it stand out:

    • Size: Medium-sized woodpecker
    • Color: Males have red crown and nape. Females have a touch of red on the back of neck.
    • Range: Found across Georgia.
    • Habitat: Forests, woodlands, and suburban areas.
    • Diet: Insects, fruits, nuts, and sunflower seeds.

    The Red-bellied Woodpecker is also known for its drumming behavior. It rapidly pecks trees or other surfaces to produce distinctive rhythms and signals.

    To spot this bird in Georgia’s nature or your backyard, look for its preferred habitat. You can also provide food sources like suet feeders or dead tree snags to attract them.

    Don’t miss out on the chance to witness the amazing behaviors and beauty of the Red-bellied Woodpecker. Get your binoculars and explore the different habitats where it can be found. Have fun birdwatching!

    And beware, the Downy Woodpecker are like ninjas, they tap away silently in the trees.

    Red-bellied Woodpeckers Sound and Video

    Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) Range Map

    Red-bellied Woodpecker range map editrd

    3. Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens)

    . Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens)
    • Scientific Name: Dryobates pubescens
    • Lifespan:
    • Average: 2 years
    • Maximum Recorded: 11 years
    • Size: 5.5 to 6.7 inches (14 to 17 cm)
    • Weight: 0.7 to 1 ounce (21 to 28 g)
    • Wingspan: 9.8 to 11.8 inches (25 to 30 cm)
    • Status: Least Concern

    Explanation: The Downy Woodpecker a most common woodpecker, scientifically classified as Dryobates pubescens, presents a comparatively shorter average lifespan of 2 years, although individuals have been recorded living up to 11 years.

    Downy Woodpeckers display small dark markings on their white outer tail feathers with black bars or spots. With a modest size ranging from 5.5 to 6.7 inches and a lightweight of 0.7 to 1 ounce, these woodpeckers boast a wingspan of 9.8 to 11.8 inches.

    Similar to the previously mentioned woodpeckers, the Downy Woodpecker holds a “Least Concern” status in terms of conservation.

    Breeding season spans from April to July.

    The Downy Woodpecker is a familiar one in Georgia. It’s 6-7 inches, with black and white plumage. It can be spotted in forests, woodlands, and parks. Its diet consists of insects, seeds, and berries.

    This small bird has an interesting trait. It moves up and down trees to search for food. These birds have been observed visiting bird feeders to collect seeds, nuts, and suet.

    It’s lucky the Downy Woodpecker is doing well. Its habitat and food sources have kept it safe in Georgia, United States. Now, let’s get ready to meet the Hairy Woodpecker, Georgia’s answer to Edward Scissorhands!

    Downy Woodpeckers Sound and Video

    Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens) Range Map

    Downy Woodpecker range map

    4. Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus)

    Hairy Woodpecker
    • Scientific Name: Dryobates villosus
    • Lifespan:
    • Average: 10 years
    • Maximum Recorded: 15 years
    • Size: 7.1 to 10.2 inches (18 to 26 cm)
    • Weight: 1.4 to 3.4 ounces (40 to 95 g)
    • Wingspan: 13 to 16.1 inches (33 to 41 cm)
    • Status: Least Concern

    Explanation: The Hairy Woodpecker, scientifically known as Dryobates villosus, exhibits a noteworthy average lifespan of 10 years, with some individuals reaching an impressive maximum of 15 years.

    Hairy Woodpeckers have black wings, white underside, and a black tail. This woodpecker species boasts a size range of 7.1 to 10.2 inches, a weight between 1.4 to 3.4 ounces, and a wingspan spanning from 13 to 16.1 inches.

    Despite potential variations in these measurements, the Hairy Woodpecker is currently classified as “Least Concern” in terms of its conservation status.

    Breeding occurs from April to July.

    The Hairy Woodpecker is a common sight in Georgia. It’s known for its black and white plumage and a white belly. Males have a small red patch on the back of their head.

    Region: Georgia

    Appearance: Black and white with a white belly. Males have a small red patch on the back of their head.

    Habitat: Deciduous and mixed forests with plenty of trees for nesting and foraging.

    It communicates by drumming to establish territory and attract mates. This behavior makes it stand out from other woodpecker species.

    To spot the Hairy Woodpecker in Georgia, here’s what you can do:

    1. Provide nesting sites: Install nest boxes or leave dead trees standing.
    2. Offer food sources: Hang suet or provide bird feeders stocked with nuts, sunflower seeds and pine seeds.
    3. Create an inviting environment: Plant native trees like oak or pine to attract insects.

    By doing this, you can create a habitat that meets the needs of the Hairy Woodpecker and attract them using bird bath and plant native trees like pine trees.

    Also, if you’re lucky, you can spot the majestic Pileated Woodpecker. It has a pecking power that puts Thor’s hammer to shame!

    Hairy Woodpecker Sound and Video

    Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus) Range Map

    Hairy Woodpecker range map edited

    5. Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)

    Pileated Woodpecker
    • Scientific Name: Dryocopus pileatus
    • Lifespan:
    • Average: 9 years
    • Maximum Recorded: 12 years
    • Size: 15.8 to 19.3 inches (40 to 49 cm)
    • Weight: 8.8 to 12.3 ounces (250 to 350 g)
    • Wingspan: 26 to 29.5 inches (66 to 75 cm)
    • Status: Least Concern

    Explanation: The Pileated Woodpecker also the largest woodpecker, identified by its scientific name Dryocopus pileatus, has an average lifespan of 9 years, with individuals occasionally reaching up to 12 years.

    This striking woodpecker species is characterized by a considerable size range of 15.8 to 19.3 inches and a weight of 8.8 to 12.3 ounces.

    Additionally, it features an impressive white stripes on their face wingspan ranging from 26 to 29.5 inches.

    Despite its larger size, the Pileated Woodpecker can be identified by its white stripes neck and is currently labeled as “Least Concern” in terms of conservation status.

    Breeding season typically runs from March to June.

    The Pileated Woodpecker is an amazing bird found in Georgia. Here are some key facts about this species:

    • 19 inches long, it is one of the biggest woodpeckers in North America.
    • – Easily recognizable with its red crest and black body.
    • – Known for its strong drilling skills, making rectangular holes in trees.
    • – Diet mainly consists of insects, ants, and beetle larvae.
    • Solitary birds that stay in the same territory year-round and mate for life.
    • – Prefers mature forests with plenty of dead trees for nesting and foraging.

    Moreover, it plays a crucial role in Georgia’s ecosystem. It helps keep insect populations under control, aiding in the forest’s renewal.

    So, when you’re out exploring Georgia’s woods, don’t forget to look out for a Pileated Woodpecker!

    Pro Tip: Try to locate the Pileated Woodpecker by listening for its loud calls and drumming sounds. It’ll help lead you to where they are actively foraging or setting up their territory.

    Pileated Woodpecker Sound and Video

    Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) Range Map

    Hairy Woodpecker range map edited

    6. Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Dryobates borealis)

    Red-cockaded Woodpecker
    • Scientific Name: Dryobates borealis
    • Lifespan:
    • Average: 12 years
    • Maximum Recorded: 16 years
    • Size: 7.9 to 9.1 inches (20 to 23 cm)
    • Weight: 1.5 to 1.8 ounces (42 to 52 g)
    • Wingspan: 13.4 to 16.1 inches (34 to 41 cm)
    • Status: Near-threatened

    Explanation: The Red-cockaded Woodpecker, scientifically termed Dryobates borealis, demonstrates an impressive average lifespan of 12 years, with some individuals living up to 16 years.

    Red-cockaded Woodpeckers are characterized by small black markings on their sides. This species has a moderate size range of 7.9 to 9.1 inches, weighing between 1.5 to 1.8 ounces. Its wingspan spans from 13.4 to 16.1 inches.

    Unfortunately, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker is currently classified as “Near-threatened,” emphasizing the need for conservation efforts to ensure its survival.

    Breeding season usually occurs from March to July.

    Discover the Red-cockaded Woodpecker – a unique species found in Georgia! It’s listed as an endangered species because of habitat loss and fragmentation.

    They like mature pine forests with open understories to build their nests. Plus, they have a black cap with white cheeks and black markings on sides.

    This bird has an important role in its ecosystem, too. It creates cavities for other animals. Conservation orgs are trying to protect and restore its habitat.

    Did you know? This woodpecker has a cooperative breeding system. Several male birds help a breeding pair raise their young.

    Go on a guided birding tour or visit protected areas to observe the Red-cockaded Woodpecker in its natural habitat. Enjoy the beauty of nature and help conserve this amazing Ggeorgia species! in the United States.

    The red-cockaded woodpecker, an endangered species, resides in small groups in mature pine forests in South Georgia.

    Red-cockaded Woodpecker Sound and Video

    Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Dryobates borealis) Range Map

    Red-cockaded Woodpecker range map edited

    7. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)

    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
    • Scientific Name: Sphyrapicus varius
    • Lifespan:
    • Average: 6 years
    • Maximum Recorded: 8 years
    • Size: 7.1 to 8.7 inches (18 to 22 cm)
    • Weight: 1.5 to 1.9 ounces (43 to 55 g)
    • Wingspan: 13.4 to 15.8 inches (34 to 40 cm)
    • Status: Least Concern

    Explanation: The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, scientifically known as Sphyrapicus varius, has an average lifespan of 6 years, with some individuals living up to 8 years.

    The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker has a white stripe on its wings and a white patch on its back.

    This bird presents a size range of 7.1 to 8.7 inches, weighing between 1.5 to 1.9 ounces, and featuring a wingspan of 13.4 to 15.8 inches. With white spots on the tail and a red crescent on the head and yellow bellies, it is uniquely identified.

    Currently, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker holds a “Least Concern” status in terms of conservation, indicating a stable population.

    The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is a truly striking woodpecker species found in Georgia. It boasts unique features and behaviors like no other!

    Check out the key features of this woodpecker:

    • Size: About 8-9 inches long.
    • Appearance: Black and white plumage with a red crown.
    • Range: Breeds in northern US and Canada.
    • Habitat: Deciduous forests with trees for sap wells.
    • Diet: Birds love to munch on a variety of foods found right in your garden. Their favorite food include plant sap, small bugs, the seeds from sunflowers, and juicy fruits that you might put out in feeders. On occasion, they may even eat the eggs of other birds.

    Breeding takes place from April to June.

    The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is easily recognizable with its special drumming pattern during mating season. Plus, it creates “sap wells” by drilling rows of small holes in tree bark.

    Research shows that this woodpecker plays a crucial role by providing food sources to other bird and mammal species, like squirrels.

    As per The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, it has an interesting migratory pattern. Some individuals breed in Alaska and Canada during summer and migrate south to wintering grounds in the southeastern US, including Georgia.

    So, when you’re exploring Georgia’s deciduous forests, keep an eye out for the vibrant Yellow-bellied Sapsucker! You may find it perched on tree trunks, or indulging in its sweet sap feast.

    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sound and Video

    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) Range Map

    Yellow-bellied_Sapsucker_ rangeg map edited

    8. Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus)

    • Scientific Name: Colaptes auratus
    • Lifespan:
    • Average: 3 years
    • Maximum Recorded: 9 years
    • Size: 11 to 12.2 inches (28 to 31 cm)
    • Weight: 3.9 to 5.6 ounces (110 to 160 g)
    • Wingspan: 16.5 to 20.1 inches (42 to 51 cm)
    • Status: Least Concern

    Explanation: The Northern Flicker, scientifically referred to as Colaptes auratus, exhibits an average lifespan of 3 years, with certain individuals living up to 9 years.

    The yellow-shafted morph displays a peach-colored face, red nape, black mustache stripe, black patch on their chest, and yellow feathers on the tail and wings.

    These woodpeckers have a brown body with black bars across their back and dark spots and black bars on wings. This woodpecker species showcases a size range of 11 to 12.2 inches, a weight between 3.9 to 5.6 ounces, and an impressive wingspan spanning from 16.5 to 20.1 inches.

    These are identified with black dots or you can say black spots and red crescent and prefer pine trees. Currently categorized as “Least Concern,” the Northern Flicker’s conservation status indicates a stable population in its habitat.

    Breeding season varies slightly across its range but generally occurs from April to July.

    The Northern Flicker is a woodpecker species found in Georgia. Its scientific name is Colaptes auratus. It lives in open woodlands, forests, and suburban areas with trees. It eats insects, ants, beetles, berries, and seeds.

    It has distinctively spotted plumage. It usually feeds on the ground rather than on tree trunks, which is different from other woodpecker species.

    If you want to attract Northern Flickers to your area, give them suitable habitat. Plant fruit-bearing trees and leave dead tree limbs intact.

    Mulching your garden with organic material is also a great way to draw them closer since they rely on ants. They are commonly seen at backyard bird feeders, particularly in areas with trees nearby.

    Northern Flicker Sound and Video

    Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) Range Map

    Northern_Flicker_ rangeg map edited

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How many types of woodpeckers are found in Georgia?

    A: There are nine types of woodpeckers that can be found in Georgia: the Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Red-headed Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, and the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.

    Q: What is the size range of woodpeckers in Georgia?

    A: Woodpeckers in Georgia vary in size. The smallest woodpeckers, such as the Downy Woodpecker, measure around 6 to 7 inches in length, while the largest, like the Pileated Woodpecker, can reach up to 17 inches in length.

    Q: When is the best time to spot woodpeckers in Georgia?

    A: Woodpeckers are active year-round in Georgia, but the best time to spot them is during spring and early summer. During this time, they are more vocal and actively engaged in nesting and breeding activities.

    Q: Where can I find woodpeckers in Georgia?

    A: Woodpeckers can be found in various habitats in Georgia, including forests, woodlands, parks, and even suburban areas with enough trees. Look for dead or decaying trees, as woodpeckers often excavate holes in search of insects or establish their nests in such trees.

    Q: Are woodpeckers in Georgia harmful to trees?

    A: While woodpeckers do create holes in trees while foraging or nesting, they are not typically harmful to the overall health of the tree. In fact, their foraging activities can benefit the ecosystem by controlling insect populations. However, excessive pecking on buildings or man-made structures can cause damage and may require preventive measures.

    Q: What are some unique characteristics of woodpeckers in Georgia?

    A: Woodpeckers in Georgia have several unique characteristics. They have specialized adaptations such as strong beaks and reinforced skulls to withstand the forces of pecking. They also have a unique drumming behavior where they peck on trees to communicate and establish territories.

    Q: How Georgia woodpeckers breeds.

    A: Woodpeckers in Georgia always find a new spot for the breeding season.

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