Attracting Colorado Blue Jays: The Ultimate Guide

An article about Attracting Colorado Blue Jays, Colorado Blue jays are some of the most beautiful birds that can be seen in the state. If you are looking to attract these majestic creatures, there are a few things to keep in mind. This article will cover what foods they like, what kind of habitat they need, and tips on how to draw them closer. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can be sure to have a flock of these stunning birds around your property in no time!


Attracting Colorado Blue Jays to your property can transform your outdoor space into a vibrant haven for these majestic birds. If you’re eager to invite these stunning creatures into your backyard, you’ve come to the right place! This article offers an in-depth guide on creating an optimal habitat for Colorado blue jays, discovering their favorite foods, and learning effective tips to bring them closer. With the right knowledge and preparation, you’ll soon enjoy the enchanting presence of these beautiful birds around your home.

Attracting Colorado Blue Jays

What are Colorado Blue Jays and why should you attract them to your property

Colorado blue jays are a stunning species of bird found throughout the state. With their bright blue feathers and bold personalities, they can bring life to any outdoor space. Attracting them to your property is an excellent way to create a vibrant backyard ecosystem and experience nature up close. Not only that, but these birds provide many practical benefits as well – from eating pesky insects to providing natural pest control around your home. Whether you’re looking for beauty or practicality, attracting Colorado blue jays is sure to be a rewarding experience!

What are Colorado Blue Jays and why should you attract them to your property

A Blue Jay sitting on a blossoming aspen. Spring time at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Colorado, United States
Colorado blue jays are a stunning species of bird found throughout the state. With their bright blue feathers and bold personalities, they can bring life to any outdoor space. Attracting them to your property is an excellent way to create a vibrant backyard ecosystem and experience nature up close. Not only that, but these birds provide many practical benefits as well – from eating pesky insects to providing natural pest control around your home. Whether you’re looking for beauty or practicality, attracting Colorado blue jays is sure to be a rewarding experience!

Creating an Optimal Habitat for Colorado Blue Jays

Creating the ideal habitat is key to attracting Colorado blue jays and other birds. The birds need places for protection from predators, nesting, and food sources all within close proximity. Start by providing adequate foliage in your yard – trees, bushes, and shrubs are great choices for this! If space allows, add a bird bath or small pond with gentle running water for them to drink and bathe in. Additionally, make sure that your outdoor space is free of predators such as cats and hawks.
Near the forest

Creating an Optimal Habitat for Colorado Blue Jays

Near the forest
Creating the ideal habitat is key to attracting Colorado blue jays and other birds. The birds need places for protection from predators, nesting, and food sources all within close proximity. Start by providing adequate foliage in your yard – trees, bushes, and shrubs are great choices for this! If space allows, add a bird bath or small pond with gentle running water for them to drink and bathe in. Additionally, make sure that your outdoor space is free of predators such as cats and hawks.
A hungry blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) with a peanut in it's beak.

What Foods Should You Feed Colorado Blue Jays

Colorado blue jays love to eat sunflower seeds, suet (which can be purchased at local pet stores), and even insects. Set out the food sources in open areas so the birds can easily find it, and use feeders that are designed to make it easy for them to access the food. If you don’t have a lot of space, consider adding a birdhouse near your bird feeders – this will give them a safe place to rest and feed.

What Foods Should You Feed Colorado Blue Jays

A hungry blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) with a peanut in it's beak.
Colorado blue jays love to eat sunflower seeds, suet (which can be purchased at local pet stores), and even insects. Set out the food sources in open areas so the birds can easily find it, and use feeders that are designed to make it easy for them to access the food. If you don’t have a lot of space, consider adding a birdhouse near your bird feeders – this will give them a safe place to rest and feed.

Blue Jays’ Favorite Foods

Blue Jays are omnivorous birds that enjoy a variety of foods, including insects, fruits, grains, and nuts. Their favorite food items include sunflower seeds, suet (a type of animal fat), corn kernels, peanuts, and mealworms. They also enjoy small fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, and cherries. Additionally, they’ll also occasionally eat other birds’ eggs and nestlings.

Blue jays are omnivorous birds that have a varied diet, but some of their favorite foods include:

  1. Nuts, especially acorns and hickory nuts
  2. Seeds, including sunflower seeds and safflower seeds
  3. Fruits, such as apples, berries, and cherries
  4. Insects, including beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars
  5. Fledgling birds and eggs
  6. Small reptiles and amphibians

Blue jays are also known to be opportunistic feeders and will take advantage of whatever food sources are available, including human-provided birdseed and suet. It’s important to note that feeding blue jays (or any other wild birds) can have both positive and negative impacts on their health and behavior, and it’s a good idea to research and consider these factors before offering food to wild birds.

How To Monitor the Progress of Attracting Colorado Blue Jays

Once you’ve established the ideal habitat and food sources for Colorado blue jays, it’s time to monitor their progress. Depending on how close you live to a natural habitat or another flock of birds, it can take several weeks for them to find and start using your backyard as their home. However, there are a few things you can do to speed up this process.

One way is to keep your bird feeders full – this will draw the birds in and help them get used to their new surroundings. Additionally, try placing mirrors around your outdoor space – these will reflect light and movement which can be attractive to birds. You may also want to consider taking pictures and videos of your backyard – this can help you monitor activity and determine if the birds are using it as a food source.

These Jays are loud, bold and very smart corvids.

How To Monitor the Progress of Attracting Colorado Blue Jays

These Jays are loud, bold and very smart corvids.
Once you’ve established the ideal habitat and food sources for Colorado blue jays, it’s time to monitor their progress. Depending on how close you live to a natural habitat or another flock of birds, it can take several weeks for them to find and start using your backyard as their home. However, there are a few things you can do to speed up this process.

One way is to keep your bird feeders full – this will draw the birds in and help them get used to their new surroundings. Additionally, try placing mirrors around your outdoor space – these will reflect light and movement which can be attractive to birds. You may also want to consider taking pictures and videos of your backyard – this can help you monitor activity and determine if the birds are using it as a food source.

Blue jay

Tips for Bringing Colorado Blue Jays Closer to Your Property

Before: You’ve created the ideal habitat and food sources for Colorado blue jays, but they still seem to be far away. You want to bring them closer so you can enjoy watching them in your backyard, but don’t know how.

After: Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a flock of these majestic birds right outside your window? Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to bring Colorado blue jays closer to your property. Start by providing plenty of foliage and bird houses in your yard, as this provides a safe and inviting place for the birds to rest. Additionally, keep your bird feeders full at all times – this will draw the birds closer to you and make them more comfortable in their new home. Place your bird feeders in open, sunny areas of your yard and add a few nesting boxes nearby. The birds will feel more comfortable if they can hide away from predators while feeding and nesting. You can also try placing mirrors around your backyard – these will reflect light and movement which can be attractive to birds. Finally, don’t forget to take pictures and videos of your backyard – this can help you monitor their activity and determine if the birds are using it as a food source. With these tips, you’ll be sure to attract Colorado blue jays in no time!

Tips for Bringing Colorado Blue Jays Closer to Your Property

Blue jay
Before: You’ve created the ideal habitat and food sources for Colorado blue jays, but they still seem to be far away. You want to bring them closer so you can enjoy watching them in your backyard, but don’t know how.


After: Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a flock of these majestic birds right outside your window? Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to bring Colorado blue jays closer to your property. Start by providing plenty of foliage and bird houses in your yard, as this provides a safe and inviting place for the birds to rest. Additionally, keep your bird feeders full at all times – this will draw the birds closer to you and make them more comfortable in their new home. Place your bird feeders in open, sunny areas of your yard and add a few nesting boxes nearby. The birds will feel more comfortable if they can hide away from predators while feeding and nesting. You can also try placing mirrors around your backyard – these will reflect light and movement which can be attractive to birds. Finally, don’t forget to take pictures and videos of your backyard – this can help you monitor their activity and determine if the birds are using it as a food source. With these tips, you’ll be sure to attract Colorado blue jays in no time!

Closing Thoughts on Attracting These Beautiful Birds to Your Property

Attracting Colorado blue jays to your property is sure to be a rewarding experience! With the right preparation, you can be sure to have these stunning birds around your property in no time. Create an ideal habitat by providing adequate foliage, food sources, and nesting boxes – and make sure to give them a safe place to rest and feed. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can be sure to attract Colorado blue jays in no time! Good luck!

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