FAQ’s About Blue Jays in Colorado


Welcome to our FAQs about Colorado blue jays! Blue jays are a familiar and popular bird species that are found throughout much of the United States, including in the state of Colorado. These vibrant and colorful birds are a favorite of many birdwatchers, and they are known for their distinctive blue and white coloring, their loud and distinctive calls, and their energetic and curious personalities.

If you’re interested in learning more about Colorado blue jays, you’ve come to the right place! In this FAQ, we’ll provide answers to some of the most common questions people have about these fascinating birds.

Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a nature enthusiast just starting out, we hope that this FAQ will help you learn more about Colorado blue jays and appreciate these amazing birds even more.

A young blue bird sits on a branch in the morning light of Grand Canyon National Park.

Blue Jay Coloring Page

If you’re looking for a fun and educational activity for kids (or kids at heart), consider printing out a blue jay coloring page. Blue jays are vibrant and colorful birds that are a favorite of many birdwatchers, and coloring pages can be a great way to learn more about these birds and their distinctive features. When coloring a blue jay, you may be wondering what color to use – after all, the bird’s name includes the word “blue.” Blue jays are actually a deep shade of blue, with a distinct blue crest on their heads. The wings and tail are a lighter blue color, and the chest and belly are white. Blue jays also have a black necklace and black wingtips. The male and female blue jays have similar coloring, so there is no need to worry about whether to color the bird differently based on gender. So go ahead and get out your blue crayon (or blue marker or blue paint, if you’re feeling creative) and have fun coloring your own blue jay. You can even try to recreate the “jay-z blue” color that was named after the rapper and named the Pantone Color of the Year in 2018!

Blue Jay Coloring Page

A young blue bird sits on a branch in the morning light of Grand Canyon National Park.
If you’re looking for a fun and educational activity for kids (or kids at heart), consider printing out a blue jay coloring page. Blue jays are vibrant and colorful birds that are a favorite of many birdwatchers, and coloring pages can be a great way to learn more about these birds and their distinctive features. When coloring a blue jay, you may be wondering what color to use – after all, the bird’s name includes the word “blue.” Blue jays are actually a deep shade of blue, with a distinct blue crest on their heads. The wings and tail are a lighter blue color, and the chest and belly are white. Blue jays also have a black necklace and black wingtips. The male and female blue jays have similar coloring, so there is no need to worry about whether to color the bird differently based on gender. So go ahead and get out your blue crayon (or blue marker or blue paint, if you’re feeling creative) and have fun coloring your own blue jay. You can even try to recreate the “jay-z blue” color that was named after the rapper and named the Pantone Color of the Year in 2018!

Jay z blue color

“Jay-Z Blue” is a specific shade of blue that was named after the rapper Jay-Z and was named the Pantone Color of the Year in 2018. According to Pantone, “Jay-Z Blue” is a “rich, royal blue shade that exudes confidence and intelligence.”

The color is meant to be inspiring and empowering, and it has been used in a variety of contexts, including in fashion and design. If you’re looking to incorporate “Jay-Z Blue” into your own projects, you can use the Pantone Color Matching System (PMS) to identify the specific hue and find products in that color. “Jay-Z Blue” may be slightly different from the blue coloring of a real-life blue jay, which is a deeper, more vibrant shade of blue. However, you can still use “Jay-Z Blue” as inspiration when coloring a blue jay or incorporating the color into your own artwork.

Jay Z Blue is one of the most recognizable shades of blue in the world. It’s a vibrant color that was popularized in the hip-hop and rap scene by artist Jay Z, who often wore clothing and accessories in this eye-catching hue. This deep blue has become an iconic symbol of the music genre, with many fans opting for it in their wardrobe and everyday style.

A Grey Breasted Jay Perched on a Branch

Jay z blue color

A Grey Breasted Jay Perched on a Branch
“Jay-Z Blue” is a specific shade of blue that was named after the rapper Jay-Z and was named the Pantone Color of the Year in 2018. According to Pantone, “Jay-Z Blue” is a “rich, royal blue shade that exudes confidence and intelligence.”

The color is meant to be inspiring and empowering, and it has been used in a variety of contexts, including in fashion and design. If you’re looking to incorporate “Jay-Z Blue” into your own projects, you can use the Pantone Color Matching System (PMS) to identify the specific hue and find products in that color. “Jay-Z Blue” may be slightly different from the blue coloring of a real-life blue jay, which is a deeper, more vibrant shade of blue. However, you can still use “Jay-Z Blue” as inspiration when coloring a blue jay or incorporating the color into your own artwork.

Jay Z Blue is one of the most recognizable shades of blue in the world. It’s a vibrant color that was popularized in the hip-hop and rap scene by artist Jay Z, who often wore clothing and accessories in this eye-catching hue. This deep blue has become an iconic symbol of the music genre, with many fans opting for it in their wardrobe and everyday style.

What color are blue jay bird eggs

Nest of 9 blue jay eggs sitting in nest unprotected

Blue jay bird eggs

Blue jay eggs are typically a pale blue or greenish-blue color, with brown or reddish-brown speckles or markings. The exact shade of blue can vary somewhat, and the eggs may appear more blue or more green depending on the lighting and the angle from which they are viewed.

In most cases, the female will lay between four and six eggs that measure about 1.3 inches in length. These eggs take around 16-18 days to hatch.

The blue color of blue jay eggs is caused by the presence of pigment molecules called porphyrins, which are found in the shells of many bird eggs. The intensity and shade of the blue color can vary depending on the specific type and concentration of porphyrins in the eggshell.


Blue jay eggs are typically small in size, measuring about 1.3 inches (3.3 centimeters) in length and weighing about 0.6 ounces (17 grams). They are usually laid in clutches of four to six eggs,

Blue jay bird eggs

Nest of 9 blue jay eggs sitting in nest unprotected
Blue jay eggs are typically a pale blue or greenish-blue color, with brown or reddish-brown speckles or markings. The exact shade of blue can vary somewhat, and the eggs may appear more blue or more green depending on the lighting and the angle from which they are viewed.

In most cases, the female will lay between four and six eggs that measure about 1.3 inches in length. These eggs take around 16-18 days to hatch.

The blue color of blue jay eggs is caused by the presence of pigment molecules called porphyrins, which are found in the shells of many bird eggs. The intensity and shade of the blue color can vary depending on the specific type and concentration of porphyrins in the eggshell.


Blue jay eggs are typically small in size, measuring about 1.3 inches (3.3 centimeters) in length and weighing about 0.6 ounces (17 grams). They are usually laid in clutches of four to six eggs,

Fun Fact about Blue Jays

Both male and female blue jays participate in incubating the eggs and caring for the chicks.

What color is a blue jay

The Colorado Blue Jay is a stunning species of bird with blue feathers that vary in hue from a deep navy to a very vibrant turquoise. The wings, tail, and head of the Blue Jay are all black, while its undersides feature a light grayish-white color. They feature bold white stripes on the sides of their throats, making them even more eye-catching. Colorado Blue Jays can be found in all parts of the state year-round, though they often migrate to warmer climates in the winter months.
Jay in Tree

What color is a blue jay

Jay in Tree
The Colorado Blue Jay is a stunning species of bird with blue feathers that vary in hue from a deep navy to a very vibrant turquoise. The wings, tail, and head of the Blue Jay are all black, while its undersides feature a light grayish-white color. They feature bold white stripes on the sides of their throats, making them even more eye-catching. Colorado Blue Jays can be found in all parts of the state year-round, though they often migrate to warmer climates in the winter months.
Bluejay sitting alone on branch in spring.

What color is a female blue jay

The coloring of male and female blue jays is similar, and there is no significant difference in the coloration between the two sexes. The female Colorado Blue Jay is a stunning bird that has a striking appearance. Like the males, they sport a vibrant blue hue on their feathers, ranging from navy to turquoise depending on lighting and the angle of the viewer. They have black wings, tails, and heads with light gray-white undersides and bold white stripes on their throats. Females also have a subtle pinkish hue around the edges of their beak, making them easily distinguishable from the males. Attracting these beautiful birds to your property is possible with the right food and habitat – read on for more tips!

The blue coloring of blue jays is a result of the way the feathers scatter and reflect light, and it is caused by the presence of tiny structures called melanosomes in the feathers. Blue jays are known for their bright and distinctive coloring, which is one of the reasons they are so popular with birdwatchers. If you’re trying to identify a blue jay in the wild, you can look for these distinctive blue and white markings to help confirm that you’re seeing a blue jay and not another species of bird.

What color is a female blue jay

Bluejay sitting alone on branch in spring.
The coloring of male and female blue jays is similar, and there is no significant difference in the coloration between the two sexes. The female Colorado Blue Jay is a stunning bird that has a striking appearance. Like the males, they sport a vibrant blue hue on their feathers, ranging from navy to turquoise depending on lighting and the angle of the viewer. They have black wings, tails, and heads with light gray-white undersides and bold white stripes on their throats. Females also have a subtle pinkish hue around the edges of their beak, making them easily distinguishable from the males. Attracting these beautiful birds to your property is possible with the right food and habitat – read on for more tips!

The blue coloring of blue jays is a result of the way the feathers scatter and reflect light, and it is caused by the presence of tiny structures called melanosomes in the feathers. Blue jays are known for their bright and distinctive coloring, which is one of the reasons they are so popular with birdwatchers. If you’re trying to identify a blue jay in the wild, you can look for these distinctive blue and white markings to help confirm that you’re seeing a blue jay and not another species of bird.

Are there blue jays in Colorado

Yes, Colorado is home to the beautiful and vibrant Colorado Blue Jay. Blue jays are omnivorous birds that have a varied diet and are known for their distinctive blue and white coloring and their loud, distinctive calls. These birds are a common sight throughout the state, particularly in wooded areas and residential neighborhoods. They can also be found in open meadows and fields, where they often feed on grasshoppers, beetles, ants, caterpillars, and other insects.
Blue Jay bird perched on a branch in the winter season with falling snow and a blur background in its environment and habitat displaying blue and white feathers. Blue Jay Stock Photo.

Are there blue jays in Colorado

Blue Jay bird perched on a branch in the winter season with falling snow and a blur background in its environment and habitat displaying blue and white feathers. Blue Jay Stock Photo.
Yes, Colorado is home to the beautiful and vibrant Colorado Blue Jay. Blue jays are omnivorous birds that have a varied diet and are known for their distinctive blue and white coloring and their loud, distinctive calls. These birds are a common sight throughout the state, particularly in wooded areas and residential neighborhoods. They can also be found in open meadows and fields, where they often feed on grasshoppers, beetles, ants, caterpillars, and other insects.

Blue jays Sound or Callings

Blue jay close up

Blue Jays Sound

The sound of a Colorado Blue Jay is unmistakable and can often be heard in the morning or late afternoon. Their loud, guttural cries are easily recognizable, even from distances away. They often communicate using different calls and tones that vary depending on their intent. For instance, they may make a loud raspy “jay” sound when they’re announcing their territory, or a soft “tee-ay” to show contentment.

Blue Jays Sound

Blue jay close up
The sound of a Colorado Blue Jay is unmistakable and can often be heard in the morning or late afternoon. Their loud, guttural cries are easily recognizable, even from distances away. They often communicate using different calls and tones that vary depending on their intent. For instance, they may make a loud raspy “jay” sound when they’re announcing their territory, or a soft “tee-ay” to show contentment.

How many sounds does a Blue Jay make?

Blue jays are known for their distinctive and loud calls, which are often described as harsh and raucous. The most common call of the blue jay is a blue jay distress call which is loud, sharp “jay” or “shrill jay” sound, which is often used as a warning or alarm call.

Blue jay calls meaning are different depending on the scenarios. Blue jays also have a variety of other calls, including a soft, churring sound that is often used as a contact call between members of a pair or family group, and a harsh, scolding sound that is used to defend their territory. In addition to their calls, blue jays also make a variety of other sounds, including clicks, whistles, and mimicry of other birds’ calls. If you’re interested in hearing the sounds of blue jays, you can try visiting a local park or nature reserve where these birds are present, or you can listen to recordings of their calls online.

Do blue jays sound like crows

Blue jays and crows belong to the same family of birds (Corvidae), and they do have some similarities in their calls and vocalizations. Both blue jays and crows are known for their loud, harsh calls, and they both have a variety of different calls that they use for different purposes. However, blue jays and crows do not have identical calls, and experienced birdwatchers are generally able to distinguish between the two species based on their vocalizations.


The most common call of the blue jay is a loud, sharp “jay” or “shrill jay” sound, which is often used as a warning or alarm call. Crows, on the other hand, have a deeper, more guttural call that is often described as a “caw” sound. Crows also have a variety of other calls and vocalizations, including a higher-pitched “scold” call that is used to defend their territory.


If you’re trying to identify a blue jay or a crow based on their vocalizations, it can be helpful to listen carefully to the specific characteristics of their calls and compare them to recordings of the calls of each species. With practice, you can become more skilled at distinguishing between the calls of blue jays and crows.

Do colorado blue jays migrate

Colorado Blue Jays Do Migrate

Yes, Colorado Blue Jays do migrate. But Blue jays are generally non-migratory birds, which means that they do not typically undertake long-distance migrations to different parts of the country or the world. Instead, they tend to remain in a relatively small area throughout the year and are considered to be year-round residents.

However, some blue jays may exhibit some short-distance movements or shifts in distribution within their range, particularly in response to changes in food availability or other environmental factors. For example, blue jays may move to lower elevations in the winter in search of food, or they may move to areas with a higher concentration of acorns or other preferred food sources. These movements are generally not considered to be true migrations, as they are not undertaken on a regular basis and do not involve a change in breeding or non-breeding range.

In the case of Colorado blue jays, it is likely that most individuals remain in the state throughout the year and do not migrate to other areas. However, some individuals may exhibit short-distance movements within the state in response to changing conditions.

They typically head towards the south and east in the winter months to seek out warmer temperatures and more adequate food sources. Some may venture as far as Mexico and even Central America! While they are on the move, their migration is generally slow-paced, with many birds stopping for days or weeks at a time before continuing their journey.

What color attracts blue jays

Blue jays are attracted to a variety of colors, and the specific colors that they are most attracted to may vary depending on the context. In general, blue jays are attracted to bright, contrasting colors, and they are often drawn to bird feeders and other food sources that are colorful or have high-contrast patterns.

Some research has suggested that blue jays may be especially attracted to shades of blue and ultraviolet (UV) light, as these colors are more visible to the birds due to the way their eyes perceive color. In particular, blue jays may be attracted to bird feeders and other food sources that are blue or have blue markings, as these colors stand out more to the birds.

In addition to color, blue jays are also attracted to other factors that can influence their behavior, such as the availability of food, the presence of predators or competitors, and the overall attractiveness of the environment. When trying to attract blue jays to a specific area, it can be helpful to consider a variety of factors in addition to color, including the type of food that is being offered and the overall layout of the area.

What color are blue jay feathers

Blue Jay feathers are known for their distinctive blue and white coloring, which is caused by the presence of tiny structures called melanosomes in their feathers. The blue coloring of blue jays is a result of the way the feathers scatter and reflect light, and it ranges from a deep, vibrant blue to a lighter, more muted blue.

Blue jays have a deep blue color on their head, wings, and tail, with a white chest and belly. They also have a black necklace and black wingtips. The male and female blue jays have similar coloring, and there is no significant difference in the coloration between the two sexes.

The blue and white coloring of blue jays is one of the features that make these birds so distinctive and easy to identify. If you’re trying to identify a blue jay in the wild, you can look for these distinctive blue and white markings to help confirm that you’re seeing a blue jay and not another species of bird.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Blue Jays Prefer Coniferous Forests in Colorado?

Blue Jays often inhabit coniferous forests in Colorado because these areas provide essential food sources like seeds and nuts. The dense tree cover offers protection and ideal nesting spots, supporting their survival and adaptability in diverse environments.

How Are Blue Jays Connected to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado?

Blue Jays are often spotted in the Rocky Mountains due to the diverse habitat these areas offer. The rich variety of flora provides ample food sources, such as nuts and seeds, which are crucial for their diet. The mountainous terrain also offers numerous nesting sites and protection from predators, allowing blue jays to thrive. Additionally, the adaptability and intelligence of blue jays enable them to exploit the unique environmental features of the Rockies, making it a significant region for their presence in Colorado.

Do Blue Jays in Colorado Have a Black Head?

Blue Jays typically do not have a black head. They are recognized by their vibrant blue plumage, white underparts, and distinctive black collar, which can sometimes give the illusion of a darker head depending on the angle. If you spot a bird with a black head in Colorado, it may be a different species, such as the Steller’s Jay, which has a darker head and is also found in the region. Understanding these differences can help birdwatchers correctly identify the species they encounter in Colorado’s diverse habitats.

What Is the Favorite Food of Blue Jays in Colorado?

In Colorado, Blue Jays have a diverse diet but show a particular preference for acorns and seeds, which are abundant in coniferous forests and mountainous regions. They also enjoy berries, insects, and occasionally small vertebrates. Their adaptability in the diet helps them thrive in the varied habitats of Colorado, making these food sources essential for their survival and prosperity in the region.

Do Blue Jays in Colorado Have Black Crests?

Blue Jays are known for their striking blue crests rather than black. Their crests can appear darker or blackish in certain lighting or when raised during displays of emotion. In contrast, the Steller’s Jay, another bird found in Colorado, features a prominent black crest. This distinction helps birdwatchers differentiate between the two species while observing the diverse avian population in the region.

How Do Blue Jays Differ from Other Blue Birds in Colorado?

Blue Jays are distinctive among blue birds in Colorado due to their vibrant blue plumage, white underparts, and signature black collar. They can be identified by their loud calls and social behavior. Unlike other blue birds, such as the Mountain Bluebird, which is smaller and lacks the black markings, Blue Jays are larger and more robust. These differences make Blue Jays uniquely recognizable in the diverse bird population of Colorado.

When Is the Breeding Season for Blue Jays in Colorado?

The breeding season for Blue Jays in Colorado typically begins in late March and extends through July. During this time, Blue Jays exhibit elaborate courtship behaviors, including vocalizations and displays. They build nests in trees using twigs and softer materials to create a comfortable environment for their eggs. Colorado’s varied habitats provide ample resources and optimal conditions for raising their young, making the region well-suited for their breeding activities. These unique breeding practices contribute to the vibrant avian community found in Colorado.

What Are the Characteristics and Roles of Adult Birds, Specifically Blue Jays, in Colorado?

Adult birds, particularly Blue Jays, in Colorado are known for their vivid blue feathers, striking black collars, and white underparts. These adult birds play crucial roles in the ecosystem, such as dispersing seeds, which helps promote forest growth and regeneration. Blue Jays are also noted for their complex social structures and vocalizations, often forming strong family bonds and defending their territories. As adult birds, they are vigilant in protecting their nests from predators, showcasing behaviors that are both fascinating and vital for their survival. In Colorado’s diverse environments, adult Blue Jays contribute significantly to the ecological balance, making them a captivating subject for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

What Is the Significance of the White Throat in Blue Jays in Colorado?

The white throat of a Blue Jay is a distinctive feature that aids in identifying this bird among other avian species in Colorado. This white patch contrasts sharply with the Blue Jay’s vibrant blue plumage and the black collar encircling its neck, making it a key identifier in the field. The white throat is not just a visual marker; it also plays a role in the bird’s communication and social interactions. During mating and territorial displays, Blue Jays may use their throat markings to signal strength and assertiveness to other birds. Observing these behaviors and characteristics can enhance the birdwatching experience in Colorado’s diverse ecosystems, highlighting the Blue Jay’s unique place in the region’s avian community.

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